Monday, September 01, 2008

Summer’s over... back to work

Okay, so I’ve been neglecting this blog! Blame it on the sunshine, the lure of a Canadian summer... maybe too much time spent on facebook or youtube...

Anyway, summer is pretty much over, so I’ll start sharing some of the new links and work I’ve discovered. Let's start with the interesting work of Nikheel Aphale (not Nikhil!) of New Delhi, India. His blog felt so familiar to me... and I love his pieces which combine photography and calligraphy, like this.


Lorraine Douglas said...

Alice...I am so happy you are back blogging, I kept checking to see if you were great to see this writing and the way he has displayed his work on his back!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see your posts again in my reader... & thanks for sharing your finds!