Friday, May 04, 2007

Almost Heaven, North Carolina...

Okay, so John Denver sang about West Virginia, not North Carolina, but it is the Blue Ridge mountains I’m to heading tomorrow, so those are the words in my head. Today, I am packing for a week-long workshop retreat at Cheerio with Brody Neuenschwander and Alice... the Alice of NYC.

I first saw Alice’s work back in 1988 when I purchased International Calligraphy Today, published by Watson-Guptill and featuring calligraphy as I had never seen it before. And Brody came to my attention through Peter Greenaway’s gorgeous film, The Pillow Book.

A big thanks to The Fairbank Calligraphy Society for awarding to Georgia Angelopoulos and I the Esmé Davis Bursary for 2007. I’ll be using my share to help cover expenses for this unique learning opportunity.

I’m not even sure I’ll have access to a computer at Cheerio (ouch - email withdrawal!) but I’ll post photos, etc., when I can.


Unknown said...

Alice if you get to see this while you are there tell Mike Gold and Heather Lee I said 'hi'

Lorraine Douglas said...

Hope that you had a fabulous time at Cheerio and have lots of great inspirations from the "other" Alice and Brody....

Alice Young said...

Hi Toni,
I didn't get this 'til I got home, but it was my pleasure to meet both Mike and Heather!