Pure Indulgence: French Inks
Lately, I’ve been playing with J. Herbin inks. Seduced by the beautiful bottles (with an elegant groove in the front for resting your pen), I picked up some of these fountain pen inks at my local art store, Island Blue. I realize these inks are dye-based and not necessarily light-fast, so shouldn't be considered for any serious calligraphic masterpieces. But, with colours like “Poussière de Lune” (Moon Dust), “Terre de Feu” (Ground of Fire) and “Ambré de Birmanie” (Amber of Burma), they’re hard to resist! So I’m enjoying them while I practice or do work for reproduction... they’re really quite lovely. I haven’t yet succumbed to “Les Subtiles”, the scented versions, but they are tempting me! I may lose all respect for myself as a serious calligrapher if I start using a rose-scented ink. LOL!
This week I received the Island Blue flyer in my mail and I'm telling you I think I have to go down buy some of that Radiant Rain they have advertised. It's a shimmering watercolour. Well, I simply cannot pass up anything that shimmers!
These inks look so fun! Thanks for turning me on to them!
Hi Alice;
OOOH, these are the coolest inks! They look so great in the writing Alice! I haven't used them for writing!! Shocking but TRUE! I had been using them in my Watercolour class...they make fantastic seamless washes and they blend really easily. I went to Island Blue to get more and they seemed to have had a real run on them!
I bought a whole lot of the Herbin inks after you suggested them in Edmonton and I am so in love with them I can't tell you. The colours are lovely and the names so exotic, I feel special each time I open one.
Linda Tanaka
Lethbridge Alberta
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